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Painter to London - United Kingdom
Artist Painter
United Kingdom
Realism, Street Art, Acrylic, Aerosol, Monochrome

The Dotmaster, a UK artist, started painting on the streets of Brighton in the early ’90s.

Invited to take part in Banksy’s Waterloo ‘Cans Festival’ and featuring in the Oscar-nominated ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop’, The Dotmaster exhibits internationally.

A driving force behind the Nuart festival in Norway, he has collaborated with grass roots activists, luxury brands, Glastonbury festival, weirdos, developers and drop outs.

There is NO subculture ONLY subversion.

Work has been shown at the Cabaret Voltaire, CH, ICA, UK, kunstnernes Hus, NO, Museum of modern art Gulbenkian foundation, PT and London Underground.


He takes a sideways look at a populist media with a typically English sense of humour. His work is impeccably detailed – his half-tone work, stark black and white street pieces and unique, photo-real colour stencils all create street-based illusions that fool the eye.


webSite :
Facebook :
Instagram : dotmasters
Twitter : dotmasters




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