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Painter to Nantes - France
Artist Painter
Abstract, Mixed media
Frédéric Mazère

Frédéric Mazère, born in 1965, lives and works in Nantes. Sponge of daily life, blotting paper of hazards, the artist first sought to express himself through words. With a blank page and a wooden pencil in hand, nothing comes out. Yes; lines, silhouettes, faces, other faces, and still other faces...


Initially in black and white, the drawing is constructed following a spontaneous path, connected to the author's feelings. "At the beginning, it is chaotic and then a story begins to take shape", the faces form complex and instinctive silhouettes. Then comes the colour, random explosions or controlled touches. Drawing, painting, volume, busts or even letterboxes... The artist's range of experimentation is widening, always with freedom as a guide.


webSite :
Facebook : FredMazere
Instagram : mazerefrederic


Group exhibition "Inspirations Primitives" from 18 to 28 May 2023 - Espace culturel Capellia

Exhibition of the workshops of Isabelle LAMOUR and Frédéric MAZERE from 16 to 31 May 2023 - Château de la Gobinière


Atoflow takes you through thematic routes to meet art. Thanks to your geolocation, discover local artists, meet them in their studio, discuss their passion and techniques, discover the selections of gallery owners and the hidden works that surround us.

We offer you an immersive experience to decipher the keys to art. Let yourself be transported on a unique journey through the eyes of artists of yesterday and today.

A confidential universe that becomes accessible to everyone, anywhere. Whether you have an hour or several days, whether you are alone or with your family, Atoflow offers you the route that best suits your needs.

Opération soutenue par l'État dans le cadre du volet Territoires d'innovation du Programme d'investissements d'avenir et de la Caisse des Dépôts