Porto - Portugal
First imagined in 2012 as part of a thesis, Circus Network is located near Miguel Bombarda street, also known as the arts block. This place functions as a gallery, store, CoWork space, and creative agency, but always with one mission in hand – exploring creativity.
This has been one of the most important spaces for urban art in the city, giving exposure to many local artists and selling unique and original pieces. You can also find graffiti material, clothes, books, records, and other amazing products.
The Circus Network was the first project to promote the first legal mural for urban art, where artists can give wings to their creativity and express their art. Their main mission is to promote new talent and young artists in different fields.
If you are looking to find new artists or get your creativity flowing, the Circus Network is the right place.
Website : www.circusnetwork.net
Facebook : circusnetwork.net
Instagram : circusnetwork