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Sydney - Australia
Painter, Photographer
Brett Whiteley Studio

The Brett Whiteley Studio was the workplace and home of Australian artist, Brett Whiteley (1939–92).

The artist bought the former warehouse in 1985 and converted it into a studio and exhibition space. He lived there from 1987 to 1992, the year he died in Thirroul.

You are offered the unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the space – the studio with his unfinished paintings, art equipment and collections of reference books, and the graffiti wall covered with quotes and images.

The living area has memorabilia such as photographs, objects, postcards, furniture, his music collection and sketchbooks. The gallery has changing exhibitions of the artist’s works: paintings, drawings, sculpture and graphics from the Brett Whiteley Studio, Art Gallery of New South Wales and private collections.


Website :
Facebook : ArtGalleryofNSW
Instagram : artgalleryofnsw
Twitter : ArtGalleryofNSW


2 Raper St, Surry Hills
2010 Sydney

Monday - Wednesday : Closed

Thursday - Sunday: 10AM - 4PM



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We offer you an immersive experience to decipher the keys to art. Let yourself be transported on a unique journey through the eyes of artists of yesterday and today.

A confidential universe that becomes accessible to everyone, anywhere. Whether you have an hour or several days, whether you are alone or with your family, Atoflow offers you the route that best suits your needs.

Opération soutenue par l'État dans le cadre du volet Territoires d'innovation du Programme d'investissements d'avenir et de la Caisse des Dépôts