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Sydney - Australia
Artbank Sydney

Artbank helps tell the story of contemporary Australian art. With a mandate to collect contemporary Australian art in support of their core objectives, Artbank is now one of the largest collections of contemporary Australian art in the world and includes some of the finest examples of Indigenous and non-Indigenous art produced over the past four decades. With over 10,000 works of art in media and reflecting the cultural and gender diversity of artists practising in Australia, it is one of the most representative of all state and federal collections held on behalf of the Australian public. Artbank also has the fastest growing collection of digital and media art in the country.

Artbank's collection is able to grow each year thanks to the support of their customers - Australian local, state and federal governments, businesses and individuals who participate in the Art Rental Program.


Website :
Facebook : ArtbankArt
Instagram : artbankau


Unit 1/222 Young St, Waterloo
2017 Sydney

By appointment

You must call or email before coming.



Atoflow takes you through thematic routes to meet art. Thanks to your geolocation, discover local artists, meet them in their studio, discuss their passion and techniques, discover the selections of gallery owners and the hidden works that surround us.

We offer you an immersive experience to decipher the keys to art. Let yourself be transported on a unique journey through the eyes of artists of yesterday and today.

A confidential universe that becomes accessible to everyone, anywhere. Whether you have an hour or several days, whether you are alone or with your family, Atoflow offers you the route that best suits your needs.

Opération soutenue par l'État dans le cadre du volet Territoires d'innovation du Programme d'investissements d'avenir et de la Caisse des Dépôts