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Sydney - Australia
Camperdown Memorial Park

Camperdown Memorial Rest Park is a public space dedicated to the memory of the fallen and has historical and cultural significance for the area.

Camperdown Memorial Rest Park was developed as a memorial to the victims of the First World War, honouring local soldiers who lost their lives during the conflict. The park has been designed as a peaceful space for reflection and commemoration. There are memorials, plaques and inscriptions commemorating the sacrifice of the soldiers and their contribution.

The park also provides a recreational and leisure environment for residents and visitors, with green spaces, benches, picnic areas and footpaths. It's a place where people can relax, stroll and enjoy the outdoors while paying tribute to the history of the area.

Camperdown Memorial Rest Park is an example of how public spaces can be used to preserve collective memory and honour those who have contributed to the nation's history. It is a significant place for the local community and a place where history, memory and contemporary life come together.

Camperdown Memorial Rest Park is also known for hosting street art and graffiti, creating an interesting combination between the historic character of the cemetery and the contemporary expression of urban art. Over the years, parts of the cemetery have been used as canvases by street artists, adding a modern artistic dimension to the environment.


Website :


189 Church St, Newtown
2042 Sydney

Opening hours:




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Opération soutenue par l'État dans le cadre du volet Territoires d'innovation du Programme d'investissements d'avenir et de la Caisse des Dépôts