Nantes - France
Plus de Couleurs" is a collective of artists committed to democratising urban art in Nantes. They work to make urban art accessible to all by supporting artistic creation in the public space and offering workshops and exhibitions to pass on this culture. Promoting works of art and artists through events such as LE MUR NANTES and TEENAGE KICKS is also part of their mission. Founded in 2007, "Plus de Couleurs" advocates respect for graffiti as a historical movement and close collaboration with artists, institutions and the public to enrich the urban landscape of Nantes.
In addition to these initiatives, "Plus de Couleurs" has developed "La Maison du Port". This is a residence and creative space dedicated to urban art. Designed to meet the needs of artists, it also serves as an interface with the public and partners, encouraging exchanges and collaborations. The Maison du Port is a concrete example of the association's commitment to integrating urban art into the fabric of the city, by offering a place conducive to creativity and encounters between artists and the community.
Website :
Instagram : plusdecouleurs